
September 2021


What are shoutouts?

We’re doing things a little differently this month – new work is on the way, but in the meantime we wanted to highlight some other amazing arts charities you can get involved with.

Arts Organisations

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Foolproof's aim is to shape the cultural landscape by developing performers, resourcing churches and provoking conversation. On their website you'll find an array of written resources including plays, monologues, spoken word pieces and workshop resources. Most recently, they have published Poems of Hope, a collection of poetic responses to the pandemic. You can find these on their social media pages. They also offer training for churches and artists, and produce a podcast called Foolproof Bites with practical advice for communicators in the digital age. Based in Glasgow, they work across Scotland.


Morphē Arts

‘Morphē provides support and resources to Christian graduates and emergent artists to work with integrity in their creative practices – making a difference in the world of contemporary art.’ They fulfil that mission through gatherings, exhibitions, publications and more. They are based in England and Scotland.

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The Wayfarer Trust

The Wayfarer Trust works with people in the arts and media to provide strong encouragement and powerful creative and spiritual inspiration.’ ‘We aim to nurture people who can be ambassadors of hope and whose lives, distinguished by creative and spiritual integrity, can have a great impact for good on our societies.’ Wayfarer provide pastoral, professional and financial support to artists. They are UK wide, but also operate Freswick Castle in Wick.



‘Sputnik is a faith and arts network, based in the West Midlands, UK, and reaching worldwide. We’re a community of creators, art lovers and arts patrons: making, funding, promoting work on the intersection of faith and art.’ Sputnik’s local ‘Hubs’, one of which meets in Edinburgh, provide artists the chance to discuss and support each other in integrating their faith and work.

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UCCF Arts Network

As part of the UCCF (A movement of Students who share the good news story of Jesus on campus) Leadership Networks, this Arts network ‘exists to support Christian students in the arts, equipping them to engage with our culture and be a witness for Jesus in the creative worlds.’ They are nationwide.


August 2021


October 2021